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400g strength flour
7g dry yeast
200 ml YOSOY oat drink
4 tablespoons of olive oil
8 tablespoons of date paste
Aromas (choose the ones you like)
1 teaspoon of cinnamon
½ teaspoon of anise, clove or mix 5 chinese spices
Lemon and Orange zest
1 tablespoon of orange blossom


1. In a bowl, mix flour, dry yeast, spices, zest and aromes.

2. Make a whole in the middle and add the wet ingredients: YOSOY oat drink (at room temperature), olive oil, date paste and orange blossom.

3. Mix all the ingredients with a spoon. Put the dough in a floured surface and knead for 10 minutes. Make a ball and put it in a bowl smeared with oil, cover it and let it ferment 1h to 2h until it doubles in size.

4. To make the ring-shaped cake, deflate the dough a little bit, put it on a surface and make a whole in the middle with your fingers.

5. Put it on a tray with a paper, cover it and let it rest for 30-45 min.

6. Paint your cake with a mix of YOSOY oat drink and a little bit of turmeric to give it a nice colour. Add both fruits and almonds on top to decorate.

7. With the oven preheated at 180º (bottom & top heat), put the ring-shaped cake on the lowest position and cook for 30 minutes until golden.